The ‘User’ button takes you to the Search User function, where you can also add a user by pressing the ‘New’ button.

Essential details you need to know:
- The User ID is not case sensitive.Â
- The minimum length for a password will be 12 characters.
- The password must contain at least one special character.
- The acceptable special characters are: |!"£$€%&/=?^'*+@°#,;:.-_()
- The password must contain at least one number.
- The password must contain at least one uppercase letter and at least one lowercase letter.
- Any abbreviation of the word password including pwd or pswd will not be accepted and your password will not save.
- It is not possible to use your name as a password.
- It is not possible to use your organisation ID as a password.
- It is not possible to use your user ID as a password.
- It is not possible to reuse any of your previous passwords.
Disabling of User IDs and Passwords
Your User ID will become disabled if you haven’t used it for 90 days.
To prevent this from happening, you should set a reminder to log in every month, even if you have no changes to make.
Your User ID will also disable after five incorrect attempts to log in.
Top Tip: You can reset your password. Alternatively, another Administrator within your organisation may enable your account.
Creating users