Tariff figure changes, as published by the Ministry of Justice

Following the Statutory Review of the Whiplash Regulations 2021, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has published the new tariff figures which it is anticipated will be applied within the next few months, subject to Parliamentary approval.  For claims resulting from accidents occurring on or after the implementation date, the updated tariff figures will apply. If Parliamentary approval is given, we understand the date from which they will be applied is likely to be announced at fairly short notice.

For comprehensive details on the new tariff rules, please visit the MOJ website

While we await confirmation of the changes and the date from which they will apply if confirmed, we are proactively getting ready so you will be able to test and to get started on your development as soon as possible.


High level timeline:

    • Claims Portal Development – to 14th March
    • Release in Integration to Users 24th March
    • Ready to release in Production by 9th April, or when we have a confirmed date


Please find attached full development plan here and contact us at claimsportal.org.uk if you have any questions.


Phil Dicken
Chair, Claims Portal Ltd