Please circulate this communication within your organisation and ensure that your IT teams are engaged or contact your software house

Following the successful Claims Portal replatforming on 28th May, we are now gearing up to support A2A users to migrate from SOAP to REST APIs. 

In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, there are several areas that require your attention.  

NEW Developer Portal

We have launched a NEW Claims Portal Developer Portal to assist API developers, where they can view and download information needed to integrate their system with the new Claims Portal REST interface.  

Access the Developer Portal here

Information will be continually added to, and refined, in the Developer Portal, over the coming months, giving Developers access to the most up-to-date content. 

Developers, who need access to the password-protected section, should register using the form below: 

Developer Portal Registration Form

Timescales for the migration 

A2A users now have access to perform the necessary development required to move from the old SOAP to the new REST APIs when they are ready to do so.    

The two methods of connection will run in parallel (until Q2 2025), to allow sufficient time for A2A users to make the necessary changes. We would urge organisations to start to plan for this activity NOW, as it would be better to start the development as soon as possible. 

Early Adopters Opportunity  
We are looking for some early adopters to become a test group for this migration. As well as the opportunity to be one of the first to migrate to the modern version of the interface, we will be seeking feedback from these organisations on their experience of using the Developer Portal and the new interface.  If you are in a position to commence development within two months, please contact us on

Integration (Test) & Training site

The new A2A Integration & Training site launched on Tuesday 14th May. The new endpoints are: 

A2A SOAP interface (RTA): 

A2A SOAP interface (ELPL): 


The IP address will change to This IP address must NOT be used for any connection or web browser purposes, but organisations may need to whitelist it in their company firewalls to ensure traffic is not blocked or the URL unreachable. 

The first time you login, click on the link “Forgot your password or first login?” from the login page to setup your own password. Emails must be MFA enabled. Full instructions are available here

No longer using A2A? 

We would ask that any organisations who are no longer using the A2A service contact us on to let us know. We will then stop sending information to you about the SOAP to REST migration. 

What if I have any questions? 

Please check if your enquiry can be solved by referring to the information available on our website. 

However, if you still have a query, our usual support process will be in place to assist you.  

Please contact us using the A2A User Contact Us Form, giving as much information as possible. One of our team will then get in touch. 


Phil Dicken 
Chair, Claims Portal Ltd